(Panzer Vor! 18) [Ruruepa Animato (Ruruepa)] Marie-sama wa Gokigen Naname | Marie-sama is in a Bad Mood (Girls und Panzer) [English] [GH-Nemo]

I saw Yukari on the cover so I didn’t need any convincing to do this. I am a simple man. Happy New Years from us at Gungnir Heart and thanks to Nemo for the hard work!

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(C95) [LETRA (Takitarou)] Jiyuu na Okurimono | A Free Present (Girls und Panzer) [English] [GH-Nemo]

I wish all of you a Merry Christmas! Me and my friend Nemo wanted to do a Christmas-themed Girls und Panzer work this Christmas so we went ahead and did one about a BC Freedom Academy Christmas party! I hope you enjoy it! Expect more BC Freedom Academy goodness in the coming months!

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(Lyrical Magical 14) [Nagomi Kissa. (Akitsuchi Shien)] Lyrical Present (Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha) [English] [GH]

Gungnir Heart’s Third Year Anniversary Release!

In celebration of Gungnir Heart’s third year anniversary, we’re proud to present an English translation of not only a Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha doujinshi, but it’s from the circle Nagomi Kissa, and artist Akitsuchi Shien! Our first work was by this same group, so it was lucky we found a work by them that hasn’t been translated into English by anyone else (as far as we can tell).

We love these two so much. I wouldn’t mind doing more NanohaFate doujinshi in the future. But for now, enjoy this doujin about them! Expect more releases this month! I am constantly at work translating and editing more works!

Here’s to another year’s worth of translations, and we both hope to continue Gungnir Heart for many, many more years to come!

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(Happy Ice Cream) [Utsushiiro (Utsushiiro, AKiEDA)] ripple/ensemble (Hibike! Euphonium) [English] [WSDHANS-GH]

I can never resist doing a Hibike! Euphonium doujin about either NakaYoshikawa or NozoMizore. They are just too adorable as a pair, and especially as a quartet.

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Watashi wa Kimi wo Nakasetai Chapter 15: Study Group

Sorry for the long wait! I had a ton of personal business and job hunting business these past few weeks, so I was unable to look over WataNaka Ch.15. But do not worry because we haven’t forgotten about the series!

As you may have noticed, we changed the fonts for You and Hana. It’s a small change, but I hope that it allows readers to figure out when a different character is speaking. I hope that solves some reading issues we noticed readers had. We may also change the font for Aoi and Himegawa as well since they are recurring characters and have contrasting personalities too.

You can read this chapter at Mangadex and Dynasty Reader!

Thanks to our friends at From Zero!

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KonoSuba! In the Life! 1.04 Release

I felt like it was time to redo the translation for KonoSuba! In the Life! as it was Gungnir Heart’s first major project and my translation and editing skills has vastly improved from three years ago. It is great to go back through the script that I so tirelessly worked on during the hardest year of college I ever had. But it was extremely worth it, as I could see how much my perceptions and understanding of English has changed since then.

In any case, I hope you enjoy this updated release of KonoSuba! In the Life!


Much thanks to CyanideBlizzard and yuNS for their help in this project as always!

If any of you plan on watching the KonoSuba Movie tomorrow, I hope you enjoy it! I look forward to watching it!

If you are wondering what I changed, here’s a short changelog:

-Fixed some major and minor translation errors
-Fixed some unnatural or confusing English lines
-Updated terminology to better match translations from other fansubbed material (Monster Subjugation —> Kill Quest, Subjugate x Monster/Subjugation needed —> Slay x Monster/Extermination needed)
-Fixed the names of various locations and names
-Fixed numerous punctuation errors

(C94) [Sutahiro BOX (Sutahiro)] I Love You, Marie-sama (Girls und Panzer) [English] [GH]

I really want to see Episode 2 so I can see the end of BC Freedom Academy’s match with Ooarai. From the footage I’ve seen, it must have been amazing. I wonder if we’ll ever see more of the All-Stars University team. I want to know more about Rumi, Megumi, and Azumi’s backgrounds.

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(C90) [clover garden (Shiina Kuro)] Yasashii Ane to Aneomoi no Imouto-tachi to Amaenbou no Imouto-chan | A Kind Older Sister, Her Loving Little Sisters, And Her Spoiled Little Sister (Love Live!) [English] [GH]

We present you an adorable Love Live doujin involving HonoNico and Nico’s younger siblings as a bonus! The sweetest doujin I have seen so far involving the most precious Yazawa family from Love Live! Enjoy!

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