(C93) [C.O.P (Siopee)] Senki Zesshou Chibiphogear AXZ (Senki Zesshou Symphogear) [English] [GH-7thspacevelocity]

As Symphogear XV heats up, it was about time we present you a Symphogear work! Both comedic and heartwarming at the same time, it’ll melt your heart as you watch XV!

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(COMIC1☆9) [Onsoku (Yuuki Sonisuke)] Pyonpyon Parade (Kiniro Mosaic, Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka?) [English] [GH]

Glad we stuck out and did this one. We had to do a lot of warping and centering to make sure this work looked good. I hope it looks fine. These girls are so cute. I can’t wait to see the new OVA and 3rd season of Gochiusa. I saw Dear My Sister in Japan and it was a lovely episode. I am extremely excited to hear Mizuki Nana who will voice Chino’s Mom. One can only dream that Kinmoza and Gochiusa get a real crossover episode or mini-short one day.

DL: Dropbox

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[GH] Uma Musume Pretty Derby – Extra Race BNW’s Promise OVA release

We’re proud to present the release of the Uma Musume Pretty Derby OVA episodes!

1080p: Torrent | Magnet

It was a blast translating these three episodes. I was originally just helping out edit a translation of Episode 1. But I thought I might as well work on the next two episodes. It took a lot of groundwork, but I hope you all will enjoy this release.

Thanks to the wonderful Uma Musume community for their help in this project! Their support and work is greatly appreciated!


Big thank you to GoodJobMedia (GJM) for providing the OP/ED karaoke files!


Thank you to @zerotsuu_ for working on the typesetting for Episode 1.

Also big thank you to @scythe_anarchy for helping translation check Episode 1 from Spanish to English.

Thank you to akp47 for providing the initial typesetting for Episode 2 and 3.

Big thank you to OblivionShadow for all the great work done on these OVA episodes. Truly and deeply grateful for all the help provided on all three episodes.

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(COMIC1☆13) [Nikomi Omurice (Mush)] Bye bye Matane! | BYE BYE, See You Next Time! (Hibike! Euphonium) [English] [GH-WSDHANS]

We’re proud to bring you more NakaYoshi content! This is the last of the Rubicon releases. I’m glad to have finished it all for everyone to enjoy. This pairing is just one of the best, if not the very best, pairing in the show. Thanks to our friends at
We Still Don’t Have A Name Scanlations!

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(COMIC1☆13) [Nikomi Omurice (Mush)] Nakayoshi Book (Rubicon) (Hibike! Euphonium) [English] [GH-WSDHANS]

Here is the 5th chapter of Rubicon, Nakayoshi Book! I miss those Japanese vending machines. They had the best drinks and for so cheap. Vending machines in America can’t compete with Japanese ones.
Thanks to our friends over at We Still Don’t Have A Name Scanlations!

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