Chapter 11, Page 1 – Nice Nature
Official Comics can be found here:
Create a history, with the light God could not know…
Chapter 11, Page 1 – Nice Nature
Official Comics can be found here:
Chapter 10, Page 2 – Eishin Flash
Official Comics can be found here:
Uma Musume English Fan Tumblr
Uma Musume English Fan Twitter
Today is the 2nd year anniversary of our group, Gungnir Heart! I must thank everyone for the support and words of encouragement for these two years. To me and Poitriot, this has been a wonderful experience translating and typesetting all kinds of work. We would have never imagined doing this without the kind support and help we’ve received over these years.
I sincerely hope that we can continue translating doujin, manga, games, and maybe even anime one day for everyone to enjoy. It’s been quite a blast and we look forward to see what else we can do for the community!
Here’s to two years of releases! And to many more years to come!
Poitriot: All I wish to add is thanks again to everyone that has helped up over these two years, and I look forward to releasing more doujin and possibly other projects in the future. Poi!
A celebratory doujin for Poitriot’s birthday, and Gungnir Heart’s 2nd year anniversary! Enjoy Shoukaku’s various forms of cuteness!
DL: Dropbox
You can read at the following sites!
Supports the creators!
Chapter 10, Page 1 – Super Creek
Official Comics can be found here:
Uma Musume English Fan Tumblr
Uma Musume English Fan Twitter
Chapter 9, Page 2 – Tamamo Cross
Official Comics can be found here:
Uma Musume English Fan Tumblr
Uma Musume English Fan Twitter
Surprisingly we’ve never worked on a KonoSuba doujin despite working on two games! That’s why I wanted to work on at least one Konosuba doujin because I know it’ll be hilarious.
Enjoy and have a Happy Thanksgiving! EXPLOSION!
DL: Dropbox
You can read at the following sites!
Support the creators!
You read this chapter at Mangadex and Dynasty Reader!
From our friends at From Zero! You can read it at their website as well, right down below.
Don’t forget to check out their other releases as well!
Chapter 9, Page 1 – Matikanefukukitaru
Official Comics can be found here:
Uma Musume English Fan Tumblr
Uma Musume English Fan Twitter
Chapter 8 Page 2 – Haru Urara
Official Comics can be found here:
Uma Musume English Fan Tumblr
Uma Musume English Fan Twitter