Hello, this is NinetyTwo! The translator for the group. I want to welcome any visitors to this site. We are a small group, but we are steadily growing so we can provide more works out there for people. I have long been an anime fan since 1998, but I wanted to further provide for the anime/manga community by giving something back to them. Since I had the opportunity to learn Japanese in college, I took it and now I am finally able to give back to the community I have known for so long.
This group primarily focuses on Non-H (SFW) doujin series at the moment. But we are certainly open to translation of games, anime, H-doujin, visual novels, and so on. Typically we only work on series that we have both seen or read, but we’re willing to work on other projects if it interests us enough. What truly matters to us is getting translations to as many people as possible with the best quality possible.
If you have any questions, feel free to leave comments below! We’ll make a proper FAQ or Q&A section sometime in the future. In the meantime, we’re working on new releases or re-editing our previous ones. In any case, I hope I can be of service to any visitors here!
Do you mind if chapters 3 and 4 of Watashi wa Kimi no Nakasetei are uploaded to Dynasty Reader?
The first two were, but I’m not sure by whom. I know Gungnir Heart stuff (and yuri) tends to end up there, but these two didn’t, so I wanted to ask.
Hello, this NinetyTwo!
I’d suggest asking From Zero as well about it. I am only the translator for the work and we’re working as a joint. I did ask them as well, so check back when I get an answer!
I approve of it though! I was actually going to ask the same thing as well, so you have my permission at the very least!
They got back to me and said it’s okay! None of us are certainly against it, so feel free to upload Ch.3 and 4 if you haven’t already!
From Chapter 5, we’ll probably start doing it ourselves (GH) so no worries about that!
Thanks for getting back to me NinetyTwo, and for checking with From Zero as well! I’ll request chapters 3 and 4 soon over at Dynasty.
You’re welcome! I’m glad to help!
So I ran into an issue while trying to get the chapters uploaded. There was some confusion about working on the series and if the series was being continued by Soda Scans or not. It looks like, to me, you guys took it over without stepping on anyone’s toes (did Soda Scans become From Zero?), but I was unable to convince them. They mentioned they would reach out to Soda Scans, but I suggest you reach out to Dynasty instead. Specifically DrPepperFan on Discord, that is. He’s who I was talking to, but I don’t think he’ll get anywhere trying to get ahold of Soda Scans.
(I also updated my website on my name, totally had it set to the wrong place. Should be interested in contacting TZdY for anything. You can also hit me up on Discord too~)
They’re probably just worried because they’ve had to deal with obnoxious scanlator drama in the past with groups demanding their work be taken down when other groups upload projects they were working on and the like and Dynasty just wants to avoid a potential headache in the future.
Thank you for getting back to us!
I’ll message you the details on Discord, but yes our group just helps the translation portion of their works and then send it off to be worked on by From Zero.
I’ve asked From Zero to help clarify the issue, so thank you for helping report this issue!
Feel free to DM me on Twitter or on Dynasty’s Discord! Also I should have mentioned your website link was down, but I totally forgot to! Good thing you caught it!
Thanks again!